Category Archives: Simon Cowell

Idol is Going Social

In my PR writing class, we have been talking about ways that social media have transformed the PR landscape. I’ve been an avid “Facebooker” throughout my four years of college, but our classroom conversations have steered my attention to ways that the entertainment industry engages publics through social networking sites.MyIDOL

As I sifted through the American Idol Web site yesterday, I noticed the brand’s load of interactivity. I’m not surprised that the show has taken advantage of opportunies to captivate fans online, and I would love to share some of the reality show’s tactics:

In case we don’t have enough personal profiles on MySpace and Facebook, American Idol has come to the rescue. The MyIDOL Community allows users to create profiles, find friends and send messages to other users. We can even upload pictures to our MyIDOL photo galleries.MyIDOLMyIdol

Now, we can “befriend” the judges. You heard me. Simon, Paula and Randy have personal bios that allow us fans to learn about our new pals. Some of the contestants have even tapped into MyIDOL to reach out to their fans.

It looks like the brains behind Idol have gained a lesson in social PR. They have launched a MyIDOL blog that allows us fans to post about the show. With a name like MyIDOL, we can all feel like our opinions are important.

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Filed under American Idol, MyIdol, Paula Abdul, PR, Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell

Scoop Me Some Idol!

Simon, Paula and Randy are back with another season of American Idol, and the competition is just starting to heat up. The trio has given us a glimpse of America’s next pop star along with 23 other hopefuls. I can hardly wait for the newest Idol’s tracks to accompany Carrie Underwood’s latest album in my car and Kelly Clarkson’s first one on my iPod.

Though a few of the winners fell out of fame faster than they sang their way to stardom, the media often seems like an Idol Nation. With Kellie Pickler hits that replay on CMT, Chris Daughtry tunes that overwhelm XM radio and Justin Guarini commentary that swarms the TV Guide channel, I’d say Idol has covered its bases. American Idol Ice CreamOn a recent trip to the grocery store’s ice cream aisle, I noticed the rows full of American Idol treats. I had never considered that aspiring pop stars might be in the frozen favorites business, but the marketing idea makes loads of sense. The Slow Churned Idol line is a smooth move for Dreyer’s. I’m convinced that if I were a 14-year-old Sanjaya fanatic, I’d be all over that half gallon of Choc ‘N Roll Caramel or one of the other show-themed flavors. Idol has also announced the April 9th return of its Emmy-winning special Idol Gives Back. Last year, the music celebration pulled $76 million for charities around the world. This year, past contestants, the Manning brothers, Bono, Brad Pitt, Snoop, Mariah Carey and Miley Cyrus will appear on the special. The program will place positive light on the diverse group of celebrities and on the show itself. The football stars, famous performers and young stars will appeal to a broad audience. In the meantime, I think I’ll eat my Soulful Sundae Cone ice cream and watch the week’s top 16 contestants battle their solos.Photo Credit:

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Filed under American Idol, Brad Pitt, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry, Dreyer's, Ice Cream, Justin Guarini, Kellie Pickler, Manning, Paula Abdul, PR, Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell